
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Commentary On Dhammapada Stories

Commentary On Dhammapada Stories-the blind thera Cakkhupala

Precepts without wisdom are dangerous!

On one occasion, Thera Cakkhupala, a blind thera, came to pay homage to the Buddha at the Jetavana monastery. One night, while pacing up and down in meditation, the thera accidentally stepped on some insects. In the morning, some bhikkhus visiting the thera found the dead insects. They thought ill of the thera and reported the matter to the Buddha. The Buddha asked them whether they had seen the thera killing the insects. When they answered in the negative, the Buddha said, "Just as you had not seen him killing, so also he had not seen those living insects. Besides, as the thera had already attained arahatship he could have no intention of killing and so was quite innocent."

Commentary On Dhammapada Stories-the story of thera Tissa

Affection is poison!
Tissa, son of the Buddha's maternal aunt, was at one time staying with the Buddha. He had become a bhikkhu only in his old age, but he posed as a senior bhikkhu and was very pleased when visiting bhikkhus asked his permission to do some service for him. On the other hand, he failed to perform the duties expected of junior bhikkhus; besides, he often quarrelled with the younger bhikkhus. Should anyone rebuke him on account of his behaviour he would go complaining to the Buddha, weeping, very much dissatisfied and very upset. The others also followed him to the presence of the Buddha. The Buddha told them not to harbour thoughts of enmity, for enmity could only be appeased by not harbouring enmity.
  他喜歡假裝自己是長老比丘。如果來訪的比丘得到他的同意,為他服務時,就很高 興。但他卻不尊敬真正的長老比丘,也時常與年輕比丘爭吵。如果有人說他的行為不如法,他就哭鬧、生氣,非常不滿意,並且向佛陀抱怨。佛陀對他的情形了然於心,所以 每次都勸他改變自己的行為,同時不要記恨,因為只有不記恨才能消除恨意。
Commentary On Dhammapada Stories-the story of Kosambi bhikkhus

Who can deny that the lay disciples, not the bhikkhus, are the real Buddha's followers?
The bhikkhus of Kosambi had formed into two groups. One group followed the master of Vinaya and the other followed the teacher of the Dhamma and they were often quarrelling among themselves. Even the Buddha could not stop them from quarrelling; so he left them and spent the vassa, residence period of the rains, all alone in Rakkhita Grove near Palileyyaka forest. There, the elephant Palileyya waited upon the Buddha.
The lay disciples of Kosambi, on learning the reason for the departure of the Buddha, refused to make offerings to the remaining bhikkhus. This made them realize their mistake and reconciliation took place among themselves. Still, the lay disciples would not treat them as respectfully as before, until they owned up their fault to the Buddha. But the Buddha was away and it was in the middle of the vassa; so the bhikkhus of Kosambi spent the vassa in misery and hardship.
At the end of the vassa, the Venerable Ananda and five hundred bhikkhus approached the Buddha and gave the message from Annathapindika and other lay disciples imploring him to return. In due course the Buddha returned to the Jetavana monastery in Savatthi. The bhikkhus followed him there, fell down at his feet, and owned up their fault. The Buddha rebuked them for disobeying him. He told them to remember that they must all die some day and therefore, they must stop their quarrels and must not act as if they would never die.
一件微不足道的事件使憍賞彌的比丘們諍論不休。有些比丘跟隨精通「律 (vinaya)」的法師,其他的比丘則跟隨精通「法 (dhamma)」的法師,雙方諍論不休。他們甚至不聽佛陀的勸解,但佛陀知道,他們終究會明白這樣是錯誤的,所以就離開他們,單獨到森林的僻遠靜處結夏安居 。(安居時曾經有一隻大象,和猴子照顧佛陀) 。
  憍賞彌的信徒明白佛陀離去的原委後,拒絕再供養這些比丘們,比丘們才明白他們的愚昧,而相互和解、修好。但信徒們要他們承認,是他們的錯誤,才造成佛陀離開憍賞彌,否則不願再像從前那樣尊敬他們。信徒們要他們懇請佛陀寬恕,但佛陀已經離開 了,當時又是安居的中期,所以那一次的安居,比丘們過的很辛苦、慘淡。

Commentary On Dhammapada Stories-the story of Sanjaya(the wandering ascetic at Rajagaha)

Sanjaya, the wandering ascetic at Rajagaha, was a great, invaluable and democratic teacher in indian history.
Upatissa and Kolita remembered their former teacher and so went to Sanjaya and said to him, "We have found one who could point out the Path to Deathlesseness; the Buddha has appeared in the world; the Dhamma has appeared; the Sangha has appeared... Come, let us go to the Teacher." They had hoped that their former teacher would go along with them to the Buddha and by listening to the discourses he, too, would come to realize Magga and Phala. But Sanjaya refused.
So Upatissa and Kolita, with two hundred and fifty followers, went to the Buddha, at Veluvana. There, they were initiated and admitted into the Order as bhikkhus. Upatissa as son of Rupasari became known as Thera Sariputta; Kolita as son of Moggali became known as Thera Maha Moggallana. On the seventh day after the initiation Maha Moggallana attained Arahatship. Thera Sariputta achieved the same a fortnight after initiation. On that day, the Buddha made them his two Chief Disciples (Agga-Savaka).
The two Chief Disciples then related to the Buddha how they went to the Giragga festival, the meeting with Thera Assaji and their attainment of Sotapatti Fruition. They also told the Buddha about their former teacher Sanjaya, who refused to accompany them. Sanjaya had said, "Having been a teacher to so many pupils, for me to become his pupil would be like a jar turning into a drinking cup. Besides, only few people are wise and the majority are foolish; let the wise go to the wise Gotama, the foolish would still come to me. Go your way, my pupils."

刪闍耶-王舍城的苦行者-是印度史上一位偉大、無價、民主的 導師。

Commentary On Dhammapada Stories-the two bhikkhus from Savatthi

Learning is for practicing and transcending, not for accumulating knowledge!
Once there were two friends of noble family, two bhikkhus from Savatthi. One of then learned the Tipitaka and was very proficient in reciting and preaching the sacred texts. He taught five hundred bhikkhus and became the instructor of eighteen groups of bhikkhus. The other bhikkhu striving diligently and ardently in the course of Insight Meditation attained arahatship together with Analytical Insight.
out of compassion, the Buddha visited the two bhikkhus to prevent the scholar from questioning the other bhikkhu. The Buddha himself did the questioning. He put questions on jhanas and maggas to the master of the Tipitaka; but he could not answer them because he had not practised what he had taught. The other bhikkhu, having practised the Dhamma and having attained arahatship, could answer all the questions. The Buddha praised the one who practised the Dhamma (i.e., a vipassaka), but not a single word of praise was spoken for the learned scholar(i.e., a ganthika).
The resident disciples could not understand why the Buddha had words of praise for the old bhikkhu and not for their learned teacher. So, the Buddha explained the matter to them. The scholar who knows a great deal but does not practise in accordance with the Dhamma is like a cowherd, who looks after the cows for wages, while the one who practises in accordance with the Dhamrna is like the owner who enjoys the five kinds of produce of the cows.* Thus, the scholar enjoys only the services rendered to him by his pupils but not the benefits of Magga-phala. The other bhikkhu, though he knows little and recites only a little of the sacred texts, having clearly comprehended the essence of the Dhamma and having practised diligently and strenuously, is an 'anudhammacari'**, who has eradicated passion, ill will and ignorance. His mind being totally freed from moral delilements and from all attachments to this world as well as to the next, he truly shares the benefits of Magga-phala.

Commentary On Dhammapada Stories-the chief queen Magandiya

It was obviously an unrealistic story; The Buddha was impossible to be so rude and dumb.
At that time, King Udena had also another chief queen by the name of Magandiya. She was the daughter of Magandiya, a brahmin. The brahmin seeing the Buddha one day thought the Buddha was the only person who was worthy of his very beautiful daughter. So, he hurriedly went off to fetch his wife and daughter and offered to give his daughter in marriage to the Buddha. Turning down his offer, the Buddha said, "Even after seeing Tanha, Arati and Raga, the daughters of Mara, I felt no desire in me for sensual pleasures; after all, what is this which is full of urine and filth and which I don't like to touch even with my foot."
摩醯提利是國王另一位出身婆羅門的妻妾。她的父親曾經認為佛陀是唯一值得他絕世美女般女兒 托付終身的人,所以就向佛陀提及婚配之事,但佛陀加以婉拒,佛陀說:「即使我走火入魔發神經,看見天魔 波旬最漂亮的三位女兒─渴愛、不樂、貪欲 ,我都不動心了。畢竟,像這樣充滿尿和污穢的女人,我連用腳去碰觸都不想要?」


有一年,舍衛城慶祝一個廣受歡迎的慶典,慶典期間,許多年輕人用灰土和牛糞塗 揉身體,並且在城內到處閒蕩、喧嘩,而成為大家頭痛的人物。他們停留在居民家門口 ,直到居民給他們錢,才肯離去。
  當時,舍衛城裡有很多的佛教信徒。這些信徒就向佛陀通風報信,請佛陀在七天之 內,不要進城,而由信徒們直接把供養品送到精舍。同時,他們也儘量留在家中。第八 天,慶典結束後,佛陀和眾多比丘受邀到城內說法。當信徒告訴佛陀那些年輕人在慶典 期間的幼稚舉止時,佛陀說那些年輕人因為無明,所以舉止缺乏尊嚴與莊重的氣息。
  佛陀接著勸誡信徒們不可渾渾噩噩的過日子,也不可以沉溺於感官慾樂,應該時時 正念現前,這樣才可以獲得幸福,證得究竟喜悅的涅槃。

劣幣驅逐良幣 奸臣陷害忠臣
兩位比丘從佛陀那裡得到觀想的題目後,到森林裡的一處精舍去禪修。其中一位比 丘心不在焉,只知在火旁邊取暖,整個初夜只知向年輕的沙彌談話而浪費時光。另一位 虔誠的比丘則善盡比丘的職責:初夜時經行,中夜時休息,後夜則再度禪修。由於他的 精進和正念現前,所以很短的時間內就證得阿羅漢果。
  結夏安居結束後,這兩位比丘回去向佛陀頂禮問訊。佛陀問他們如何安居?懶惰又 心不在焉的比丘說另一位比丘只是躺著休息、睡覺而浪費時間。佛陀就問道:「那麼你 自己呢?」他回答說自己在初夜的時候,靠在火旁邊取暖,然後就整夜沒睡。但佛陀太 清楚他們兩人安居的情形,所以就對懶惰的比丘說:「你明明懶惰、心不在焉,卻說自 己精進努力、正念現前,而你的同修精進努力、正念現前,你卻說人家懶惰、心不在焉 。你就像羸弱、步履緩慢的馬,而你的同修則是強壯、腳程敏捷的馬。」

摩醯提利是國王另一位出身婆羅門的妻妾。她的父親曾經認為佛陀是唯一值得他絕世美女般女兒 托付終身的人,所以就向佛陀提及婚配之事,但佛陀加以婉拒,佛陀說:「即使我走火入魔發神經,看見天魔 波旬最漂亮的三位女兒─渴愛、不樂、貪欲 ,我都不動心了。畢竟,像這樣充滿尿和污穢的女人,我連用腳去碰觸都不想要?」但摩醯提利因為對自己的美貌非常自負,而認為佛陀的話是一種侮辱,她內心痛苦、 難堪,發誓要找機會報仇。
  後來,她的叔叔把她獻給優填王,使她成為國王的妻妾之一。當她知道佛陀正在憍 賞彌城內,也知道皇后和侍女透過居室的孔洞向佛陀敬禮時,她決定展開報復的行動, 同時一併要傷害皇后和皇后的侍女。她向國王進纔言,說皇后和侍女在房子牆壁挖洞, 而且對國王不忠實。國王就親自去檢查皇后居住的房子,而看見這些孔洞,但當他明白 其中原委後,並不生氣。
  雖然如此,她繼續向國王誹謗皇后對國王不忠實,並且說皇后企圖殺害國王。有一 次,她知道國王帶著琵琶要到皇后的房子住幾天,就把一隻蛇藏在國王的琵琶中,並 且用花把琵琶的孔遮蓋起來。然後她告訴國王說,她有不祥的預感,十分擔心國王的安 危,請國王不要前去皇后的房子,但國王不予理會,她就跟隨國王到皇后的房子,並且 趁人不注意的時候,把遮住琵琶孔的花朵拿開,琵琶內的蛇就跑到皇后的床上,並且蜷 起身子,嘶嘶作響。國王看見蛇的時候,相信了她的纔言,誤認皇后要害他。國王一時 非常憤怒,怒吼著,叫皇后站起來,也叫所有的侍女都站在皇后的身後。然後國王拉弓 ,將毒箭向皇后等人射去。但皇后等人對國王的舉止毫無懼意,只默默地流露 慈悲的眼光,所以雖然國王善於射箭,卻未射中任何人。國王目睹這奇蹟時,明白皇后 是無辜的,就恩准皇后邀請佛陀和眾多比丘到宮中來化緣、說法。
  摩醯提利看見自己所有的陰謀都失敗了,於是擬定最後一項萬無一失的陰謀。她派 人送口信給她的叔叔,要他縱火燒皇后居住的房子。她叔叔遵照她的話做,但房子內的 皇后和侍女由於有很好的修持,所以雖然在危難的時刻,仍然繼續禪坐。因此、在房子 完全倒塌之前,有人證得二果,其他人的修行也有進步。
  當國王接到報告趕來時,已經太遲了。國王心中懷疑這是摩醯提利慫恿的結果,但 他不動聲色,反而說:「皇后在世時,我一直警覺在心、提心吊膽,害怕遭了她的 毒手。現在我可寬心了!會是誰做了這件好事呢?一定是深愛我的人做的。」 聽完國王 這一番話時,愚蠢的摩醯提利馬上接口說,是她要她叔叔縱火燒死皇后的。國王聽她招 認了,佯裝非常高興,告訴她,他要大大賞賜她和她的所有親戚。但當她們興高彩烈地 抵達皇宮時,卻全部與摩醯提利一起被捕並且在皇宮的廣場上被處決。邪惡的摩醯提利 終於因為陷害貞潔的皇后和侍女而受到懲罰。

  1.奉養父母、2.尊敬長者、3.言語溫順、4.不背後說人閒話、5.慷慨大方、不貪婪、 6.實話實說、7.不動氣


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